

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Ways to display inspirational words and text in interiors
Using words in home decor has been popular for a while now, with most high street stores selling decor items to go along with this trend.

Personally I find the use of single letters or the words 'Love', 'Home', 'Welcome' and 'Eat' becoming a bit tiresome by now, especially when done in a faux-vintage style, but I do like the use of text in interior design. As usual I have been pinning myself silly on Pinterest lately, so today I will share some text-based styling ideas with you around ways to use words, letters and complete articles in your house without becoming boring.

Here we go!

Write your favourite quotes or inspirational words on found pebble stones and display them around your house or in a bowl.  Love this idea.

Reading newspapers in bed gets a whole different meaning with this wall! Using newspaper as wallpaper creates a great graphic effect:

The use of blackboard paint has also been popular in home decor for a while and a great way to introduce text in your interior. Good thing is, you can alter it if you get bored with the words ;-). Use it on walls or cupboard like done here:

You could be bold and write your house rules on the wall. Bit intimidating perhaps? Or pretty cool?  

And why just use paint or chalk? Here's a wall with words made with thumb tacks / push pins. Not sure what it says, but the effect is good.

If you can't decide what words or text to use, just chalk single letters on your wall!

This idea takes a bit of time to gather so many wooden printers block letters, let alone putting them all together on the wall, but the effect is great:

Who says to use words exclusively indoors? Paint words on or create text out of metal and attach to a wall in your garden:   

I already mentioned the over-usage of words like 'Home', 'Love' and 'Eat' in homes, so I thought I include this image! You can be as bold as you want and the possibilities with words, text and languages are endless. So why limit yourself...? Have fun!


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