

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Interior Lighting Designs

Bedroom Lighting Designs :

Measure Your Room
Successful bedroom lighting also depends on knowing the measurements of your room. Be sure to measure the height of your ceiling as well. Make a note of where your outlets are located. Furniture placement matters too.

Consider Scale
While chandeliers in bedrooms are very popular right now, don’t make the mistake of hanging them too low. You don’t want to bump into your light fixtures. Reading lamps should be scaled according to the size and height of your nightstands and bed.

Layer Your Lighting
Do you work in your bedroom? Is it a larger room with a seating area? You may want to install task lighting for work areas and softer light for seating areas. Maybe you want to emphasize some wall art which calls for accent lighting. You do not have to light everything all at once. Too much light in one space can feel glaring and unpleasant.

Choose Shades for Light
Today you have a vast variety of shapes, materials, styles and colors to choose from. Try to stay away from very opaque shades unless you need them for their decorative value alone and are not relying on those as primary light sources. Too dark a room can feel as unpleasant as a bedroom that is lit too bright.

For reading in bed, consider buying lamps that you can adjust and swivel to suit your position. Shades should be positioned to shield yours and your partner’s eyes from the glare of bulbs. You can also consider installing reading lights on the wall behind your bed.

Install Dimmers
Installing dimmers could be the easiest and most effective way of controlling light in a room, so that you can alter effects as you please. You will have to check CFLs for dimmer compatibility.

4 Important Bedroom Lighting Tips for a Relaxing Bedroom

Well controlled bedroom lighting will provide the appropriate lighting condition. The interior lighting design will equipped the bedroom into providing the type of ambient that you want for your bedroom. Consider the tips in lighting your bedroom to have control in a bedroom space where you can both relax and do other activities.

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